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Configure Output from SAP Spool

The printer is configured for BC-XOM in the SAP system. The BC-XOM interface from SEAL Systems accepts the job and transmits it via IPP or IPPS to the PLOSSYS 5 server. PLOSSYS 5 processes the job and returns the job status to the SAP system via RFC callback.


Hint - Microsoft C++ runtime

Make sure that the required Microsoft C++ runtime has been installed. For more information, refer to the Microsoft C++ (PLOSSYS 5 Server) requirement.

Install SAP NetWeaver RFC

  1. Open SAP Launchpad in a Web browser:
  2. Log on with your SAP user name and password.

  3. In SAP Launchpad, search for the OSS number 2573790.

  4. Follow the download link for SAP NW RFC SDK 7.50 and save the current version.

  5. Unpack the downloaded ZIP archive:

    Expand-Archive -LiteralPath '<downloaded_zip_archive>'
  6. Copy the files to the following directory:

    C:\Program Files\SAP\nwrfcsdk
  7. Add the following path to the global environment variable PATH in Windows:

    ;C:\Program Files\SAP\nwrfcsdk\lib

Configure SAP NetWeaver RFC with an Application Server

  1. Generate the following file:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\sapnwrfc.ini
  2. Specify the connection data to the SAP system in this file whereby SAPROUTER is set to /H/<name_saprouter>.

    Example - SAP configuration file sapnwrfc.ini


    The sapnwrfc.ini configuration file has the same syntax as saprfc.ini.

    Literature - saprfc.ini

    The saprfc.ini file is described in SAP Basis Configuration - Server.

  3. Restart the following service:

    • seal-job-notifier

Configure SAP NetWeaver RFC with a Message Server

  1. Create the following file:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\sapnwrfc.ini
  2. Specify the connection data to the SAP system in this file whereby MSSERV is set to 36<SYSNR> and SAPROUTER to /H/<name_saprouter>.

    Example - SAP configuration file sapnwrfc.ini


    The sapnwrfc.ini configuration file has the same syntax as saprfc.ini.

    Literature - saprfc.ini

    The saprfc.ini file is described in SAP Basis Configuration - Server.

  3. Restart the following service:

    • seal-job-notifier

Configure BC-XOM in SAP

Literature - BC-XOM

The configuration of BC-XOM in SAP is described in BC-XOM - OMS Connection.

Hint - supported

PLOSSYS 5 only supports OMS Server or OMS Submit and the transmission via IPP.

Configure the SAPGOF Converter on the PLOSSYS 5 Server

Literature - SAPGOF Converter

For further information about how to configure the SAPGOF Converter, refer to the SAPGOF Converter documentation.

By default, the SAPGOF Converter uses the following configuration files:

  • C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-convert-sapgof\lib\initialization\config\CONFIG

  • C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-convert-sapgof\lib\initialization\config\GRIBS74_PDF_DB

For using another configuration, specify the following Consul keys:

  • CONFIG: Customized content of the CONFIG configuration file

  • GRIBS74_PDF_DB: Customized content of the GRIBS74_PDF_DB configuration file

Import the CONFIG File with PLOSSYS CLI

  1. Copy C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-convert-sapgof\lib\initialization\config\CONFIG to config_tmp.yml.

  2. Adjust config_tmp.yml according to the YAML format by indenting each line by four blanks and inserting the following lines at the beginning of the file:


    Hint - syntax

    The data consists of multiple lines. For preserving the line endings, store the value in literal style, indicated by a |. You have to indent all lines of the text. The leading spaces will not be part of the data retrieved by the service.

    Example - literal style

      CONFIG: |
        This is a
  3. Customize the settings in config_tmp.yml and save the file.

  4. Import the file to Consul:

    plossys config import config_tmp.yml
  5. Restart the following service:

    • seal-convert-sapgof

Import the GRIBS74_PDF_DB File with PLOSSYS CLI

  1. Copy C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-convert-sapgof\lib\initialization\config\GRIBS74_PDF_DB to gribs_tmp.yml.

  2. Adjust gribs_tmp.yml according to the YAML format by indenting each line by four blanks and inserting the following lines at the beginning of the file:

  3. Customize the settings in gribs_tmp.yml and save the file.

  4. Import the file to Consul:

    plossys config import gribs_tmp.yml
  5. Restart the following service:

    • seal-convert-sapgof

Advanced Configuration

The following keys influence the behavior of the output from SAP:

  • MAX_INSTANCES: Maximum of parallel conversions

  • TIMEOUT: Time interval after which a conversion is aborted if it has not generated any new data

For how to configure the stamping of SAP output jobs, refer to Configure Stamps from SAP Output Jobs.

Literature - SAPGOF Converter

For further information about how to configure the SAPGOF Converter, refer to the SAPGOF Converter documentation.

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